Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing high quality, compassionate end-of-life care. Our home hospice and palliative care services are provided wherever a patient calls home, whether that be in their own home, at a care facility or at our Inpatient Center. Realizing that not everyone can stay in their home, the Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice Inpatient Center opened in 2007 to provide 24-hour skilled nursing care for hospice patients.
Two of the Enquatics, Inc. shareholders have had family members who found peace in their last days using Sharon S. Richardson and wanted to give something of beauty and peace to those who call it home as well as their visiting families. The sister company of Land Master Lighting—AquaMaster Fountains and Aerators—donated a fountain to Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice more than 10 years ago. The center had invited one of Enquatics’ owners to be recognized by them for the gift, but he refused…that was not why it was donated. After a visit to the center, someone took notice of how few lights there were around the walking paths and perimeter of the property. A meeting was arranged with Land Master Lighting’s sales manager and the light donation project was begun. Sharon Richardson has a caretaker who completed the installation of the lighting at the site. It is our plan to extend this project as a testing ground as we release new products.